Chat with your documents, for free!
Upload any PDF or Word document to Instrumentum and get a summary in minutes. Chat with your documents for free and ask any questions about the content of the documents!
Get key insights from your documents in minutes!
Get your document summary upon upload, and if you don't get what you're looking for ask follow up questions to your document!
An Interactive Assistant
Private & Secure
Based on RAG Technology
Transparent Pricing
Seamless Access
Stable & Performant
Boost your productivity like never before and extract key insights from your documents in minutes with Instrumentum!
What we don't offer (yet!) with Instrumentum
We are radically transpartent about what we offer and what we don't. Check out below what we don't support yet and reach out to us if you want to see a specific feature within Instrumentum!
Customized Output
Our platform is built to produce general summaries. If you need a summary that focuses on specific aspects or points, we can't provide that.
Border Control
Some documents can only be shared within specific jurisdictions. We cannot guarantee that your documents will not cross any borders as we work to optimize our infrastructure for the best performance.
Babel Fish
We currently support English, French, Spanish and German. We are constantly working on adding more languages so keep an eye out for updates to our service.
With a minimal payment of 5$ per credit recharge.
10¢ per page!
Take a look at the following questions to complete your understanding of what Instrumentum does and doesn't do!
Got a technical issue? Want to send feedback about a feature or request a new feature? Reach out to us.